41 thoughts on “Cheatman Chapter 4

    • well its a normal name in the countries that have the islam as the main religion nah (lets say arabic countries)
      there are jewes and christians with that name its pretty much standart
      my aunt got that name(muslim)
      my buddys sister got that name(jew)
      my neighbors wife got that name(christians)
      so yep


      • it depends on the region they are born
        its somehow hard to descripe
        without being a racist its the skincolor and the region they are born to
        there are christians and jews that are browncolored(dont know the right word for that type of skin color its the same one arabics and mexican/spanish people have) those in those arabish like countrys got the name as a standart like john in america


  1. いくらかしこさが神に近く、悟ろうとすればいつでも悟れるとはいえ、持って生まれた性格はどうしようもない
    Even if he in this way close to a god, and can attain enlightenment whenever he wants to, it’s hopeless with his natural character.

    Yes, this collateral money is held on to by the shop, and returned at the time the customer leaves the shop.

    there is no particular play that are no good, ah, but I dislike pain. My special skill is bubble wash……and my reputation is good for


  2. Hmm… well altough I like straightforward characters this mc is bit too asshole for my taste 😀 Tough it still lot better than annoying good for nothing shy characters.


  3. I don’t get it. Why rape someone if you plan on going there? Another thing is the lady actually stayed? You claimed to love some dude named Cain and then you were totally fine with stripping for someone else? Come on. A warrior who went to fight a dragon would rather die than go through such shame.

    I dislike rape. I truly do, but if it does something for the story, I don’t mind it, but it did jack shit and just seemed ridiculous.

    The author should go shove a stick up his ass.


  4. Dead by snu snu kkkkkk good joke.
    only i think thing like the price the people say to him pay is much more like , the other look to him think ´this dude have money he will pay 2x the price whitout talk’.


  5. Comments are disabled on the chapter itself]

    「It’s inconvenient,…… is oh such one as the temporary residence where rain and dew can be kept out?」
    ^-“How rundown … Well, aince it’s just a temporary residence to ward off rain and dew, isn’t it fine?” [Seriously no one noticed the weird grammar? 不便 can mean, with different readings, “inconvenience” or “pity”]

    「This looks inconvenient? Where the hell are you living?」
    ^-“This is rundown?… Man, you a rich heir form somewhere?” [in this situation ボンボン means “green young man from a well-to-do-family”]

    Even if he in this way close to a god, and can attain enlightenment whenever he wants to, it’s hopeless with his natural character.
    ^-Even if I’m somewhat close to a god and cand attain enlightenment whenever I want to, it’s hopeless due to my natural character. [that first part was a bit muddled; also, sudden change of narrator person?]

    From the girls in the room, there’s a girl with a pin (TN: help on this line)
    ^-From the moment the girls entered the room, there was one that I deemed perfect. [ピンときた is past for ぴんと来る “to strike home”, “to know intuitively”]

    「Yes, 2000 gold would be fine for the next time, for the first time customers though – there’s a need to deposit half of the next payment for insurance」(TN: This may be inacurate)
    ^- “Yes, for returning customers, 2,000 gold is enough, but in case they are first-timers, as whe don’t know what kind of people those customers are, we receive half the fare in concept of gurantee for their first time.”


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